Back Pain Treatments

Most people have experienced pain in their backs at some point. And some deal with it on a daily basis. If you are one of the many whose back pain interferes with your daily life, Dr. James Trussell and the team at Trussell Chiropractic in Pasadena, TX, share how a chiropractor can help below.

What Makes My Back Hurt?

Pain in the back stems from a problem in the musculoskeletal system. However, this problem tends to vary, depending on who is suffering from it. The most common issues tend to be spinal misalignment, tension, sprains and strains, disc issues, and nerve compression.

Each of those issues can come from sudden accidents, but they are more commonly caused by ongoing habits and tasks. Poor posture is a top cause, as is repetitive lifting. However, even exercising too much without proper recovery, wearing non-supportive shoes, being overweight, and other factors can be the source.

Why Is Chiropractic Care So Effective?

Chiropractors have been helping people find freedom from back and neck pain as well as many other sources of pain for over a century. This field has been so effective for so long because it actually identifies and eliminates the issue causing the pain. Without the issue, there is no reason for the pain.

Chiropractic Techniques for Back Pain

The precise treatment techniques used depend on the underlying issue and contributing factors of each individual patient. Some commonly used and highly effective techniques include the following.

  • Chiropractic adjustments, which restore spinal alignment
  • Spinal decompression, which relieves pressure from the discs and nerves
  • Cold laser therapy, which penetrates deep layers of tissue to relieve pain and stimulate the natural healing process
  • Active release therapy, which relieves tension and breaks up soft tissue adhesions
  • Electrical stimulation therapy, which releases muscle spasms, improves blood flow, and relieves tension
  • Therapeutic exercise, which includes targeted stretches and strengthening exercises to help correct posture and address other issues

Chiropractors combine the techniques necessary for your specific issues.

You don’t have to suffer from back pain any longer. Find relief by calling (713) 944-7761 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Trussell at Trussell Chiropractic in Pasadena, TX.

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4117 Vista Rd | Pasadena TX, 77504

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